:orphan: grm/hold_append --------------- [GRM] Resizing plots after input and changing series .. code-block:: python import math import sys import numpy as np import grm print("filling argument container...") n = 1000 x_vals = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, n) plots = [[x_vals, np.sin(x_vals)], [x_vals, np.cos(x_vals)]] series = [{"x": plots[0][0], "y": plots[0][1]}, {"x": plots[1][0], "y": plots[1][1]}] args = grm.args.new( { "append_plots": 1, # Automatically create new plots, if no `plot_id` is given "hold_plots": 1, # Do not delete contents of the default plot automatically } ) grm.plot.merge(args) args["series"] = series[0] print("plotting data...") grm.plot.plot(args) print("Press any key to continue...") sys.stdin.read(1) args2 = args # del args args = grm.args.new({"size": [800.0, 800.0], "plot_id": 0}) # Avoid creating a new plot print("plotting data...") grm.plot.plot(args) print("Press any key to continue...") sys.stdin.read(1) del args args = grm.args.new({"series": series[1]}) grm.plot.merge(args) # This call will create a new plot with id `1` print("plotting data...") grm.plot.switch(1) grm.plot.plot(None) print("Press any key to continue...") sys.stdin.read(1) # # args.delete() # # grm.finalize()