:orphan: textonaxes ---------- Draw text at an arbitrary position on the Axes using gr.pygr. .. image:: ../_static/examples/textonaxes.png ---- .. code-block:: python import gr from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotCurve, Text tx, ty = 0, -20 x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t ** 5 - 13 * t ** 3 + 36 * t for t in x] txtfmt = "Text drawn on\n(%g, %g) with\nhalign left, valign top" plt = Plot((.1, .95, .1, .88)) plt.title = "Text on Axes Example" plt.subTitle = "Show usage of gr.pygr.Text" plt.xlabel = "x" plt.ylabel = "y" curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes(plt.viewport).addCurves(curve) axes.setWindow(-4.0, 4.0, -60.0, 40.0) text = Text(tx, -ty, txtfmt % (tx, -ty), axes, .02) plt.addAxes(axes) text2 = Text(tx, ty, txtfmt % (tx, ty), axes, .02) tbx, tby = text2.getBoundingBox() plt.drawGR() text.drawGR() text2.drawGR() # set viewport and window accordingly to draw in NDC space gr.setviewport(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.setwindow(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.fillarea(tbx, tby) gr.updatews()