.. _environment_variables: Environment Variables --------------------- GR and GKS can be configured using a number of environment variables. The following table lists these environment variables and their effects. For information on how to set an environment variable, see the sections below. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Description * - ``GRDIR`` - Path to the GR installation directory Example: ``/usr/local/gr/`` * - ``GRLIB`` - Path to the GR library directory Example: ``/usr/local/gr/lib`` * - ``GKS_FONTPATH`` - Path to the GKS fonts directory Example: ``/usr/local/gr/fonts`` * - ``GKS_FILEPATH`` - Path to the file GKS should write its output to Example: ``output.png`` * - ``GKS_CONID`` - File descriptor GKS should write its output to Example: ``1`` * - ``GKS_WSTYPE`` - Default workstation type Example: ``png`` See also: :ref:`workstation_types` * - ``GKS_ENCODING`` - Input encoding used for GKS functions Example: ``UTF-8`` See also: :ref:`encoding` * - ``GKS_DOUBLE_BUF`` - Only draw when :c:func:`gr_updatews` is called * - ``GKS_USE_GS_BMP`` - Use the **gsplugin** for BMP output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_USE_GS_JPG`` - Use the **gsplugin** for JPEG output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_USE_AGG_JPG`` - Use the **aggplugin** for JPEG output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_USE_GS_PNG`` - Use the **gsplugin** for PNG output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_USE_AGG_PNG`` - Use the **aggplugin** for PNG output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_USE_GS_TIF`` - Use the **gsplugin** for Tiff output instead of the **cairoplugin** See also: :ref:`File Formats ` * - ``GKS_QT_USE_CAIRO`` - Use the **cairoplugin** for rendering in the **qtplugin** and **gksqt** See also: :ref:`Integrations ` * - ``GKS_QT_USE_AGG`` - Use the **aggplugin** for rendering in the **qtplugin** and **gksqt** See also: :ref:`Integrations ` * - ``GKS_PGF_ONLY_CONTENT`` - Do not write a full TeX document, instead write only definitions and TikZ picture * - ``GKS_PDF_PREVIEW_FIX`` - Render images using filled rectangles to workaround a problem with Apple's Preview app, which generally uses bilinear interpolation when rendering images, resulting in blurred output, e.g. when displaying heatmaps * - ``GKS_VIDEO_OPTS`` - Resolution and framerate when using the **videoplugin** Example: ``1920x1080@60`` See also: :ref:`gks_video_opts` * - ``GKS_GKSQT_PREVENT_RESIZE`` - Prevent automated resizing in **gksqt** * - ``GKS_QT_VERSION`` - Qt version to use in the **qtplugin** Example: ``5`` * - ``GKS_NO_EXIT_HANDLER`` - Do not set an exit handler * - ``GKS_DISABLE_PAGE_SUFFIX`` - | Do not add a page suffix to the file name when writing more | than once to a file which does not natively support pagination. * - ``GKS_DEFAULT_RESAMPLE_METHOD`` - | The default method for :ref:`resampling ` image data in raster based | workstation types. Can be ``nearest``, ``linear`` or ``lanczos``. Example: ``nearest`` * - ``GR_SKIP_RUNTIME_VERSION_CHECK`` - Skip runtime version checks in the gr Python package Setting Environment Variables on macOS or Linux ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To set an environment variable in a shell on macOS or Linux, you can use: .. code-block:: bash export VARIABLE_NAME=value Alternatively, for running a single command with the variable set, you can also use: .. code-block:: bash VARIABLE_NAME=value command Setting Environment Variables on Windows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To set an environment variable in *cmd.exe* on Windows, you can use: .. code-block:: bash set VARIABLE_NAME=value Setting Environment Variables in Programs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many programming languages offer ways to set environment variables as well: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ["VARIABLE_NAME"] = "value" .. code-block:: c #include /* ... */ setenv("VARIABLE_NAME", "value", 1); .. code-block:: julia ENV["VARIABLE_NAME"] = "value"